
Providing Ketamine Assisted Therapy 

Treatment specialization includes:

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma
  • Addiction

What is Ketamine

Ketamine is a synthetic compound that induces a mild dissociative or psychedelic experience depending on the dosage and route of administration. Ketamine is FDA approved for use as an anesthetic, and thanks to an expanding body of scientific research, it is also used to treat depression, trauma/PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders, chronic pain, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and other mental health issues. Ketamine often works quickly, sometimes people even start to feel better during the first session. Usually, a series of sessions are recommended to treat mental health problems more fully.

How Does Ketamine Work

Current research shows that ketamine stimulates neuroplasticity by activating sites in your brain called NMDA receptors. The neurotransmitter glutamate is also thought to be involved in this process, setting ketamine apart from traditional antidepressants that often work on serotonin receptors. This helps to increase the neuroplasticity in the brain making it easier to make new neural connections and to help rewire old thought and behavioral patterns, and for these changes to “stick”.  “Neurons that fire together, wire together”- Donald Hebb. This also improves the physical structure of the brain and how it functions (the same thing happens with psilocybin; it also happens with SSRIs-but is slower).

Ketamine Treatment Process, The Four Pillars of Progress


Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. A comprehensive evaluation will be provided by our Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and one of our professionally licensed and certified psychedelic psychotherapists.

These evaluations help us to assess whether you can safely receive ketamine, whether there would be a potential for benefit, or if further medical clearance is needed from your doctor. During these sessions we will explain the process, identify your individual preparatory needs, and provide an informed consent for treatment.


Preparation is critical. In this session we will explore your intentions and goals, explore set and setting, what problems you have been experiencing, what you hope to get out of the Ketamine session, and address any fears that may come up. Our providers will answer any questions and will help to manage any expectations you may have.


Connection is healing. Being in a vulnerable state can feel uncomfortable to anyone, and being in a non-ordinary state of consciousness can feel even more so. The medicine/journey session can be unpredictable and may result in profound and potentially challenging experiences. It is important to have a trained professional to help guide you through whatever experience you might have and to remember that your brain and body know what it needs to heal.

Our providers will hold the space for you to go where you need to go for your healing. From a comfortable setting to a curated playlist we will document every moment so you can fully immerse yourself into this experience. Ketamine works differently for everyone. To ensure proper dosing, there is a 2-session minimum, so you can get the most out of your journey. Sessions typically last from 2-3 hours and can vary for each individual.


Processing and Integration are key. It’s one thing to experience, it is another thing to apply. While your brain’s neuroplasticity is primed for rewiring; Integrate, Integrate, Integrate! Integration sessions are an opportunity for you to go deeper into your Ketamine experience and can be combined with other psychotherapies including trauma-focused therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, parts work, dialectic behavior therapy, or other modalities deemed appropriate.

Our providers will support this process directly after your medicine session and schedule a session with you for the following day. People may have many integration sessions before another Ketamine session. Our providers will work closely with you and anyone that may be of a support to you during this experience.


2177 E. Warner Rd Ste 101,
Tempe, AZ 85284

Our Availability


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


By Appointment


By Appointment